Saturday, March 26, 2011


Oh hello (: Went to the Carnival Day held in my school today . Played the maze and eat , talk and drink . Super hyper today (Y) After 12 , went to Unique there and hang out . Went back around 2PM like that ;) Wanted to nap a while after i reach home . But then Rong Zhen , Janet and Kai Ni wanted to chat with me . So turns out I slept at 5 . Slept for 2 hours then my brother woke my up for dinner by shouting . Ishh , geram betul -.-

It's Earth hour but seems like everyone is still with their computer on . LOLOL :D oh yeah , I DIDN'T COUPLE WITH DARELL . Zzz , why is people asking me whether did I couple with Darell a not ? :O Seriously , I won't fall in love with my best friend's crush lah -.-