Monday, March 28, 2011

Promise me that once in a life time , you'll think of me

Hello peoples (: Did oral test today . THUMBS UP BABE (Y)

Did it with Marissa . It's a dialog between Katy Perry and DJ Elly :D

Even the teacher enjoyed it . heeeeeee :P

Nothing else really happened today , it's just like an ordinary school day lah . There's tuition

tomorrow morning and Mrs . Lee won't be teaching us because she has to rest at home and yet ,

there will be another idon'tknowwho teacher will be teaching us . PFFT .

Damnn , i'm having a sore throat now AND I don't feel like going to school tomorrow lah ):

Going school facing those lazy ass teacher really kills me .

PLUS I haven't done my BM folio yet . SHIAT RIGHT ? /:
Hmms , I'll try and ask my parents later whether can I skip school tomorrow .

HOPE THEY'LL LET ! *finger crossed*

I just wish everyday will be like Friday because is the funnest day (8
There's CF and PJ , can get to see my morning session hawties and cuties :3 NGEKNGEKNGEK .

P/S: iloveyouuu