Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some people just don't deserve the memories you spent with

why HELLO !


here it goes.


once upon a time,

There was Student A, B, C and D. They was VERY CLOSE last time. They hang out together, play together, eat together, gossip together and all stuff together. But one day, Student A hang outs with one boy named Tim. Student A doesn't know that Student B likes him. Student B was very jealous because Student A was playing around and laughing with Tim. Student B WAS VERY MAD. So one night, there's this message sent to Student A and it says, " you're such a bitch, always like to flirt boys" and all stuff. AT FIRST, she doesn't know is Student B sent the message until Tim told Student A. Student A was very confused on why Student B was so mad on her. So she decided to ask her friends. Then one of her friend said that Student B loves Tim. THAT MOMENT, Student A was so shock cause she doesn't know that Student B loves Tim cause no one told her bout it. She felt sorry for what she did but she just can't continue handling herself from not talking to Tim. Cause they were the very super close friends. Day passes, months passes, and suddenly Student B said sorry to Student A. Student A was so shock at that moment but she decided to forgive. Everything was okay after that moment.


Student C used to have a boyfriend name John. They were very cute and sweet together. and so happen, Student A knew John in some place. They weren't close at all. They rarely talk to each other. But John said to his friend, Alex that Student A is very cute and also went to Max house and said Student A is very cute and jokingly said that he likes Student A. ONE DAY, Alex told his girlfriend, Sam about everything what John said to Alex. So Sam decided to tell Student C about it and she broke down into tears. She was jealous bout everything. John went and comfort her and all to make her calm and stop the tears. Student A went confused and scolded Max, she thought Max was the one who said everything. Cause Student A was so scared that just because of these things, it will spoil the friendship between Student A and Student C. The following day, everything was solve already. But Student A and Student C didn't really chatted for days and yet, after weeks passes by, Student C broke up with John.

Part 3

Student D also used to have a boyfriend named Brandon. They broke up months ago but Student D still fell deeply in love with Brandon. Months later, Brandon fell in love with Student A. Before Brandon had feelings for Student A, they used to be playful friends. They always have fun during recess time.
The rumors that Brandon likes Student A was everywhere in school and because of some reporters in school, Student D end up knowing that Brandon likes Student A. So Student D got very fed up and got pissed of Student A. She thought that Student A was flirting with Brandon and thought that was the reason why Brandon likes Student A. Student A went and explain everything to Student D and hope that she understands. End up, Student D understands and say it was okay. The friendship between Student A and Student D wasn't separated already.


Months passes by and suddenly Amanda went and told Student A's best friend, Joyce something secretly in the morning. Student A was feeling super good and asked Joyce what did Amanda told her. Joyce said that it wasn't the right time to tell Student A bout it. So Student A said
" it's okay then *smiles* "
During recess, Joyce came to Student A's class and said
" so do you still want to know what did Amanda told me earlier ? "
Student A quickly nods her head and said yes. So Joyce stood beside her and spoke softly and said,
" Just now in the morning, Amanda told me that Student B and the rest dislikes you because you like to flirt with other boys"
Student A was so shocked and she nearly broke down into tears. She prevent the fact and start to ignore it. But she told her close friend, Brenda about it. Brenda taps her back and said,
" I know it hours ago. They dislikes you cause their crush and ex-boyfriends likes you....." and other stuffs.
Student A got so confused and just continue thinking back. Suddenly, her tears were going to fall out. But she she doesn't want her friends to know she was crying. So she wipe it away without her friend's notice. She went so upset thinking bout the memories she had with them but Student B, C and D backstab her. She went insane and broke down into tears again. She just can't believe that they actually trying to be good infront of her but behind her, keep on talking bad bout Student A. Student A just said to herself that she can't take it anymore.

It's a true story