Sunday, February 27, 2011

You make me feel so high

Oh , hello (: Today's another Sunday . Then tomorrow is the end of February , so fast :O Then next week is the first exam already . I'm not even ready for Sejarah , Geography , Kemahiran Hidup and BM /: haihh . Those 4 subject seriously kills me ! ): Sure fail one . Still got chinese . omg , headache :S I shouldn't have took chinese .

Asssh , still got 20 more hours then back to school with those thick text books on my hand and exercise books in my bag . No wonder why i didn't grow :O Thanks to those heavy books ._. Well , I'm thinking should i skip school tomorrow ? Cause going school on Monday is really sucks . Don't you think so ? /: So yeah , maybe i should think about it .

Yesterday I really enjoyed life weyh xD All I did was watched dramas , rest , listened to some pop and jazz music and played . OH WAIT , i haven't done my math homeworks , revision for this tuesday's tuition exam , memorize moral's definisi and KH notes ! ohmygawdlah . I'm so screwed this time D: Maybe i enjoyed life too much yesterday .

AHHHHHHH ! I'm going to sit the auntie sumathy transport ! )': Same with Jeffrey Aw D: Somehow , i hate you mum and dad ):