Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm perfectly fine , trust me = LIES

Tell me everything is alright,

Oh hello (: So I kind of lazy to update my blog last few days . HEEE :D Well , Friday was fun eventhough he didn't attend school . Kind of miss him ): HAHA . Messed around with teacher during History (Y) That teacher sure was awesome :3 There's some words from him just makes me so (Y) :D ♥ ilovehim ilovehim ilovehim ilovehim .

So yesterday night I out for dinner to celebrate my grandfather's birthday with my cousins somewhere at Ara Damansara . Ate two bowls of rice . HEHS :$ cause terlalu bosan dah xD After dinner , we dropped by at cousin's house for cake :D Is superb delicious :P and guess what , my standard 2 cousin plays Garena and that game which looks like C.S xD woahhh . I don't even know how to play any game like that . Damn malu weyh xD

Today nothing special happened . Went out just now for groceries and stopped by at some random person's house . Maybe later I'll be going out for dinner at some Japanese restaurant :D SUSHI (Y) loveee :P this is like the 347th day i loved you . WOAHH :D I didn't know i loved you for so long weyh . Time sure do fly fast /: And those crappy people just love to say that is going to end of the world on July something . WTH ? ._. stop with those rumors lah , is scaring me weyh ): Oh yeah , since you guys know that Japan had earthquake and Tsunami , pray hard for them and pray for stopping the earthquake coming . So as tsunami and etc ): PRAY PRAY PRAY