Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i do love you (:

Oh hello :D Forgotten to post yesterday . So yeah , I'm gonna post about yesterday :)

Yesterday I went to Sunway with Janet . Was suppose to go out with Marissa , Kai Ni and Janet . But both of them can't make it . So yeahh . Firstly , we went to the cinema and booked beastly at 4.20 . While waiting till 4.20 , we head to Mc Donalds and had our breakfast . Chit-chatted for half and hour and off for shopping . Wanted to go Amp square but we didn't bring our IC so can't sing ): Shopped for tops and necklace . Bought 3 tops and 1 butterfly necklace . LOVE IT :D So we sat down and talk craps until 4.20 . So the " beastly " movie ended at 5.40 . Show was AWESOME . i'll rate 9/10 for that movie :) Dinned at Sakae Sushi . Oh yummy :P Went back around 8 something . hmms , that's yesterday :D

So today I went tuition . Was kind of fun tho :D Jians , Andre and that malay boy was perverted yet funny xD I laughed and laughed and laughed . HAHAHAHA xD Then once i came back , it became boring . Saw that image up there ? I toke it just now . Look into my eyes , I CAN KILL YOU . HAHAH , kidding :P Well well well , all i did after tuition is eat , camwhore , eat , tv and comp . SHO LIFELESS /: I want to go out again :O but just don't know when . Marissa's movie night is cancelled ): Now I just feel like going to school .