Thursday, March 17, 2011

Marry me , today and everyday

Oh hello (: Staying at home today is real boring . All I did was TV , eat , TV , eat . Tskk tskk . Thinking of going out with my old fawesome buddies tomorrow . But almost all of current friends are going . So yeah , didn't wanted to go /: I dislike to meet so many friends during outing . WELL , planning to do on Saturday or Sunday (Y) Just to eat and watch movie will do (: Marissa's movie night is cancelled . Pfft . I was looking forward for it last week and it ended up CANCELED . So as Sunday's McD . Danggg . This holiday sure is boring . Went out twice only . The next holiday i'm so going to plan outings with those ex-form5 and form 2 . I miss them so much ): Especially Leon Phuan and Tan Lyanne ):

So now's only 5.46pm . What am I suppose to do for another 1 hour and 14 minutes before tuition starts ? BOREDBOREDBORED . Oh lalalalala , feel like shopping now . Pfft .