Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stop it .

Hello :D

SO , today was really really really boring in someway and somehow .
and somehow , i hate those b**ches . GRRR

GUESS WHAT ? I realized you changed them all .
like ALL OF EM'

You the b**ch , influenced them into a one too .

ONLY IF , you're not with them like last year ,
EVERYTHING will be super awesome this year .

JUST BECAUSE OF YOU , you made them split .

what a fantastic job you did -.-

girll , i hate you .
SERIOUSLY hate you .

But I won't show that I hate you .

and you bastard , you stole my bestest friend away from me . WHATTHEHECK ?!

I'm so sick of you and your lies .

See who is the *wanna famous* now huh ?
gahhhh , i hate you so muchh .

HAH , goodbye .