Saturday, May 21, 2011

Once upon a time

Helloo peeps (:

It's been 2 to 3 weeks I didn't touch my blogger cause I was busy studying . * right elly , as if you study*

Those previous days were okay I think .

Hahaha , I don't really remember anything now :P

My exam started last Wednesday .

The papers were okay for me but History and Geography is so hard .
I actually simply circle for my Geography *cause you're stupid, elly !*

Waiting till the exams over at this coming Thursday and partyyyy ! B)

There's 2 weeks of holidays after exams and I have no idea when to hang out .

Planned but don't know who to invite . LOL .

Why did I even think bout planning how to hang out my holidays when I still have math and science to go ?

*as if you will study ._.*

Math and Science it's kind of killing me now tho .

I forgotten how to do Math's Chapter 1 , chapter 2 and Ratio's steps . Damn .

It's so harsh .

Anyways , last week I found this website that contains lots of movies and can actually watch em' for free ! B)

So yeah , I've FINALLY watched Tangled , A Diary of a Wimpy Kid , Valentine's Day and lots of other comedys :D

There's also actions , horror and etc movies (:

SO HMMM , I'm off to continue my Valentine's Day movie .
*it's a dirty show :P*

If you get what I mean xD
