Monday, May 30, 2011

I wish it's a dream

Sorry for not blogging these days , was busy and mood was kind of down ):
Well , I feel better now .

Geez , i'm so irritated now ._.

Anyways , i'm in my cousin's house now .
Watching some cantonese show with my lil cousin sis now .
you know , i'm not really good in cantonese so yeah , i don't really understand what are they trying to say /:

Chatting with my ex now .
He's like so upset and make me upset too ):
Liking someone really KILLS . Especially when you got rejected .
AHHH *ouch*

I kind of dislike hols tho . IT'S SO BORING AND IT KILLS .

Especially when all of your close friends has plans with their family during the hols .
You can't go outings with them and stuck at home rotting cause there's no plans at all .
KILLS KILLS KILLS it's because you can't see the person you likes )':

I MISS HIM SO MUCH ! D: *scratches chin*

*sighh .

imisshim , imisshim , imisshim , imisshim , imisshim , imisshim , imisshim , imisshim so much that I could DIE !
*oh shuddup elly , you won't die just because of a boy*

kbye !