Thursday, June 9, 2011

Once upon a time

Why hello , human beings (:

Today is umm , Friday already. :O The holidays past so fast .
I want to have more holidays so I can stay at home and watch some movies or either hang out with friends ! ):
OH and , I don't remember doing my History folio during the holidays.
I don't even know whether do I need to like, do it or wait until school reopens only start doing /:

Okay, so this holidays weren't that bad lah.
It's quite awesome :B but, you know. #sigh
HAHAHHA, ignore that. I was just thinking bout something which I don't know what am I thinking about :B
You know I love to talk craps aites ? :)

Anyways, I didn't update my blog because I was lazy a few days ago.


I'm updating my blogging so early in the morning. Which is 1.44am now.

I can't sleep and I'm watching a movie halfway.
" I Love You, Beth Cooper"
I'm waiting for the movie load finish then only I'll click play. SO G-YEAH,
I'm updating my blog now so that I can waste the time at my blog (:

That Beth Cooper show is nastyyy :B
ATTENTION : children are not allowed to watch. YOU HEARD THAT.
YOU are a children and well, I'm a teenager *coughs* (:

So, three days ago which is Tuesday,
I went to Sunway Pyramid *the usual place where kids always have their hang outs there* with Janet , Marissa and Kyle.
The only reason that Kyle's the only boy cause his gay partner, Andrew last minute parents don't let him go ._.
that's why he's dumped.
We went and eat *drools* at Fullhouse for lunch.
Then we girls head off to shop while he's walking around and snap some random photos :B
Bought 2 tank tops , 2 long sleeve shirt , 1 owl ring and some string . HAHS (:

After that, we went to Amp Square.
About 5 mins later , I and Marissa step out of Amp Square and went to buy some belated birthday gift for Janet. It's mini skirt and a necklace.
Then , we rushed back to Amp Square cause Marissa's mum reached pyramid and ask her to go home. That time was 5 SHARP . LMAO

So we quickly walked back to Amp Square and gave Janet her gift. SHE LOVED IT (':
A few mins later, Marissa's mum called again then we walked to the old wing's starbucks.
Met up with Joseph Koay on the way and he scared me /:
After dropping Marissa off , I walked back alone to Amp Square ):
That was my very first time walking alone in some shopping mall . SERIOUSLY /:

Okay, let me get back to where I ended.
HMMM , oh !
AS I WAS SAYING , i walked back to Amp Square and once I reached into the room, the first thing I did was *BOOM* jump on the sofa :D
I was super tired kay?
Then, i got hyper-ed and danced :D
I shuffled when the "LMAO" song was played .
Shoutings , screamings, and whatsoever :D

We went back at 7 because Kyle have tuition at 8 . So yeah , my parents fetch us back.

The next day I was suppose to go out with Ben , Sheryl and Jians again. But Sheryl can't make it ):
Was pretty disappointed tho /: But hmmm , there's some other times right?

Sheryl said she wanna go hang out at McD this coming Saturday but I not sure whether I want to go a not. Cause I'm sick of Mcd already.
I really hope there's other fast food stores other than , McD and Pizza Hut /:

SO YEAH , I'm done now.