Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Smile while you still have teeth

Today's 1st of JUNE already . So fast eyh .
It's like 5 months ago just register into a secondary school . D:
Why must time flies so fast but not walking step by step ? Look , now's already 3.20pm . A few hours later , it'll be the second day of June :O
and 3 more months away , I'm going Australia already . WHY SO FAST ? Slowly , I'll be in in form 3 and I might not be seeing the guy I love anymore . #sigh

JEEZ , June June June ._.
It reminds me of last year's June . So saddening ):
If you don't really know what happened last year's June , then you'll never know what I'm talking about . And no , I don't want to mention anything about that anymore . Cause that pretty hurts me D:

Well , at least now I realized something . BUT even I realized it , it still hurt me even worst . GAHHHH .
everytime when I think bout last year , it makes me noticed that I've been a really really bad girlfriend to boys . I only can be their friend but not girlfriend .
I hurt my Exs pretty much tho . I don't even hang out with them but I just chat with them through the net or either phones . Sad right ? ):
Plus , we don't really talk so much because during a relationship , there's like nothing to talk about already . It feels super awkward .

My heartbeat stops whenever I saw .....
I don't know how to say it now . It's so hard to type it out .
I always tell myself to give up on my love ones . So I always pretend from the outside . But in the inside , I just can't stop loving . #sigh


Life's complicated . YOU KNOW ? If you don't know ,
I'm sure you're having a great time of your life . AWESOME THING .
