Saturday, July 2, 2011

My life's in a mess

Hello ! :D

Hahahah, I've abandoned my blog for like weeks already. HEH :D
I was so lazy to post.

Okay so, today's the 2nd of July already. SO FAST WEYH.
Half of the year just flies like this. Its like last month was only January. LOL
Mid-term exam has passed and another monthly exam is somewhere near already.
Die lah. I didn't even study anything yet.

HAHA. Sorry, was being lame :B

Today's a tiring day. REAL TIRING. REALLY REALLY REALLY REAL TIRING *stop it already, it's irritating, elly -.-*
supposed to wake up at 7.10 this morning but Janet called me up at 7 ._.
Then, I went to toilet do this do that. OKAY, maybe I should skip that part.

Reached school around 7.28 am. Then got my numbers all.
SUDDENLY, they played LMFAO, Party Rock Anthem *thumbs up babey* :D

It was so awesome. PLUS, we stood under the speaker.
So the feeling is like in the club :D (Y)
Wanted to dance but I feel embarrassed. HMM YEAH, decided not to dance at last :P

Started walking around at 8 o'clock ? IDK what time but yeah, around that time lah ! (:

Walked with Janet, JinFeng, Marissa, Lyanne, Lydia and her friends.
but most of the time, I walk with Janet, Jin Feng and Marissa (:
Pretty fun time lah :D

After 1 hour of walk, we finally reached school. YEAH, FINALLY :D

Stayed in school watched the people played basketball. WAIT, I think only I and Jin Feng watched the match. HAHAH, others were tired and they were like half dead already :P

Okay I'm gonna skip that part cause it will take me time to write down everything clearly :P

Wanted to go out of school early but the guard don't let us go. OH PFFT.
OH WELL, I just stand at the koperasi there with friends and chit chat like a good and innocent girl *coughs, perasan lah you, elly -.-* ain't like those naughty ones climb out from school :B

until the clock strikes 12, we finally get to go out of school . OH YEAAAH :D
OH WAIT, I skipped something important.

before we manage to go out from school, Rong Zhen and Marissa non-stop teasing me ):
They were like, i don't know how to explain but yeah ! They teased me so badly. DAMN BAD WEYH ):
But somehow, they were just jealous bout it. HAHAHAH :B

Okay, back to the story (:
so we went to SMC without Janet and Jin Feng. Cause I can't seem to find Jin Feng when we're out of school . WE THOUGHT WE LOST HER /:
But then, we ended up found her at unique with another girl. OH PFFT . SO bad right ? :P

Okay, SMC was packed and yeah, we went to unique. BUT BUT BUT, unique was too "romantic" so hmm, we went back to SMC (:
Didn't join Rong Zhen and Marissa for lunch cause I followed Lyanne back home.
Rong Zhen was saying he wanted to give me a "present". So he brought me into SMC and I me to spy for someone. AND HELL YEAH, I saw him again ! :$

As usual lah, I didn't give a big reaction and just said HI to him. But inside I was like, " AHHHHHHH, IT'S HIMMM ! :D awwww ! " yeah, I did felt that way :B

Hold on, there's a message from Jin Feng :D
TSK, she said I blog slow pula. HEY JINFENG, can you see that my post is so the long ? :P
P/S : Love you lots Jin Feng ! :D <3

HMMM, so where did I stop at? OH !
.... I did felt that way (x I just didn't show it out. HEEHEEHEE :D <3
But a few seconds later I said HI to him, Lyanne's brother came and pick us up dys. SO YEAH ):

I slept for 4 hours after I came home and bath. Still feel a LITTLE sleepy just now but energetic after I ate my dinner ! <3
Went to some new shopping mall at Kelana Jaya. Not fully open yet but, It's quite small lah, the place.
Then, went to Giant at Sri Muda again to buy some groceries (:
She's super duper cute in real life man. LIKE SERIOUSLY <3 (:

Bought a cup of green tea mix with peppermint. It's taste is nastyyyy. Don't ever mix green tea with peppermint weyh ! :B

Love Lots,
Ellyyyyy (: