Saturday, July 2, 2011

Be who you are

Today i'll just post quotes (:
So yeah, if you're not interested, you shouldn't waste you're time reading those quotes (:

If you don't like me, there’s nothing I can do. Here is a news flash, I don't live to please you.
I wish dreams were wishes & wishes came true because in my dreams, I'm always with you!

Struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like.

I’m not the chick you spit your game to, I’m the girl you give your last name to.

Sometimes it's better when you don't plan things.

Please don’t ask me how my life is going. You lost the right to ask me about my life once you walked out of it.

Sometimes you just have to reshuffle the deck & throw out all the JOKERS

Saying something so stupid to the person you like, & wishing you could just do it all over!

Some girls act like bitches so they won’t get hurt some girls are bitches because they got hurt

Some people don't deserve the memories you share with them. ):

Getting a text from special person and it makes me smile

Why worry if people are jealous of you? Sit back, relax and absorb the attention

I don’t regret my past; I just regret the time I’ve wasted with the wrong people.

Don't be scared to be yourself. There are over 6 billion people on the planet, someone is bound to love you just the way you are

I want a person to come into my life by accident and stay on purpose

Can't think of anything else already. So I'll just stop here (: