Friday, July 8, 2011

Sometimes you have to fight for what you love.


OKAY, so today is the report card day which everyone's parents comes and take their child's report card and listen to theirs compliment or either the COMPLAINS .


its a good thing that my parents can't manage to go tho. So they can't listen to the complains teacher told about me.

So it turns out that my brother and his girlfriend went and take my report card.

My chinese teacher was saying that I don't respect her cause I always talk back. *coughs
INDEED, I talk back.

BUT I DON'T TALK BACK AT THE RUDE WAY! I politely answer back her ! D:

Then my form teacher said I turn naughty after I sit at the back ):
what she meant "NAUGHTY" is that I talk to my friends outside that stands at the back door. ._.


My brother was speechless when she said that i'm naughty just because I talk to my others outside friends. HAHA.

He was like "mm, yeah, oh, okay" (x

I got nothing to say but just sit down there and smile ._.